

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tube Still In But Breathing On Her Own


It's been 30 minutes now since the ventilator is not breathing for Abi and she's breathing on her own like a champ!!! The tube is still in since this is one of the tests but it seems like she will be off of it tomorrow morning.

She's doing great breathing on her own, much slower now than prior the surgery and the saturation is much much better; it's in high 90s.


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She's Such A Fighter


Abi's still on track ahead of the schedule but it seems like the ventilator will stay in overnight. When Asia and I came over and started talking around her and to her she got really excited, started moving a lot and opening her eyes. It's great, but before they remove the ventilator they need to do couple tests with turning it off first. She was too active before the test and they had to give her some sedatives and now she's sleeping so they can't do the test. Since it's getting late and it's better to have more people around when taking a child off of the ventilator they will do couple tests overnight but will try taking her off tomorrow morning. Still way ahead of schedule as the surgeon said this aftenoon when we talked to him.

They took her off of dopamine a d she's doing great. Lowered her breathing rate and now we actually see her breathing on her own as well.

Thank you all for reading, praying and being with us through this difficult time!!!

Art and J.

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Are you ready for this?!


I'm sitting at Abi's bed right now. Ok are you all ready for this?! They took her off both medicine making her pee (Diuril and Lasix)!!! They took her off the sedatives (Versed)!!! They TOOK OUT 2 CHEST TUBES!!!! The bleeding in the heart area is that minimal. And ..... They are planning on waking her up slowly to ...... Try to take her off the ventilator TODAY if she's doing as she's doing. I was told she's a little star here doing better than expected and than normaly kids do!

Everything else is in the norm.
Below is Jackie, the awesome nurse who prayed for her during the surgery and who keeps on checking on Abi.

More awesome news soon.


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Another Morning


We're sitting next to her right now. Seems like Abi's still sleeping. She had a good night with no episodes. They took her off Diuril since she's urinating enough on her own and with Lasix. One drug at a time. We'll take that!!!

All her pressures and temperatures are fine. The atrial pressures (pressure inside left and right atriums) are excelent!

They lowered her breathing rate and oxygen levels again which is good! Bleeding is still minimal!

It was a good night!


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The day is over. It was a good day. They closed Abi's chest, her heart is beating strong, saturation close to 100, kidneys are working great pushed by Lasix and Diuril. She is getting lots of meds, fluids and nutrition; all together about 12ml an hour. Started her nutrition and fats through IVs this afternoon. Bleeding in abdomen and heart area is minimal ;-).

The oxygen saturation in the air used by the ventilator was reduced from 60% to 40% (natural is 21%) (this is a good thing). Her heart rate, blood pressure and temperatures both core and skin surface are perfect. They need to use quite a lot of Versed (sedative medicine) via constant drip because she's 'ready to go' - moving and kicking a lot.

We spent couple hours with her this evening and she was just great!!! One of the IV lines was leaking some so they had to stop the bleeding, fortunately they didn't have to replace the line itself.

Praying for a good night for her and hoping for more good news tomorrow we're checking out tonight.


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