We've been with Abi since about 11am. When we showed up she was still asleep after Versed which she was given to remove the central line from her neck.
Let me stess this out that this is not a complaint, just sharing with you all what we have to deal with in addition to the surgery etc.
When we showed up we asked the new day nurse the same questions we always asked any other nurse. So far Paricia, Sarah, Niki, Amanda, Jacquelin, Krissy were amazing. They knew everything and paid attention to everything. Today's nurse answer to every question was: I don't know. If a doctor asks I will print it out for him. Hehe, awesome. All of you who know me can imagine what happened next. I requested to speak with the doctor supervising her. 20 minutes later we got all the answers from the doctor.
Now we're waiting to be able to move to the stepdown unit. They have already got the room for Abi and we are just waiting for them to get it ready and for the team of people involved in moving her to be ready as well. Once we're out of here we will not have to leave Abi even for a moment.
We will also try bottle feeding her today again. I bet it will go great!!!
And the below picture: my beautiful bride and our little one chilling
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