

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We saw her!

We just came back from the CICU. Abi looks soooo beautiful; not swollen, with less IV's, not bleeding much. She may be getting off the ventilator in a couple of hours, maybe by 7pm!!! WOOOOHOOO. This means she may be ready to eat from the bottle at midnight. We are so happy with the progress.
I'll post the picture soon.

We are sitting in the family room now with some good firends who came to spend time with us.

We are planning to go back to see Abi in a few hours, so she can get her well-deserved rest. We need to bring some of her favourite toys and a bottle, so we can feed her when she's ready.
I really hope she will not require a feeding tube.

If she does as well as the nurses and doctors predict, we may be able to leave CICU even tomorrow. I will pray for this to happen, but I'd rather not enter entertain this idea, so I won't get dissapointed.

Still, all is good...

The surgery is over


We just spoke to Dr. Kirshbom- the surgeon. The surgery is over. Abi did great there were no surprises nor complications. The outcome so far us great and the symptoms we wanted to eliminate seem to be eliminated. The pressures in the lungs and the right ventricle are about 50% down now and it's great.

There were no issues with coming off of the bypass machine, no excessive bleeding and they were able to close her chest.

In about 45 minutes we should be able to see her in CICU.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Surgery#2 - Update 4

Our "angel nurse" Jackie is back... She was assisting with another surgery and came to see us as she remembered us from last time. Remember Jackie? Well, she went to OR where Abi is, checked on the situation and called us with an update. Stacy, too called us before so we had 2 updates within 25 minutes. Abi's chest is being closed now and we should be able to see her in about 1,5 hours! Prior to that we will speak with the doctor.
All is good, God is good. We are thankful for your prayers and those who are here with us physically and in their thoughts.

Perz or Perez?

We were just called to a room#1 where we were told to wait... Wait for what? We just found our Abi's chest is being closed.
Well a few minutes of anticipation resulted in a crying maybe 8 year old Hispanic boy, who just came from the surgery expecting to see his parents. Obviously we didn't look nothing like them, not even mentionig the skin color not matching.
Anyway I cried with the kid wishing this never happens to Abi. The nurses now KNOW we are PERZ not Perez!

Surgery#2 - Update 3


The repair has been finished and went well and as planned. The heart has been closed up and they will make the first and hopefully the only one attempt to take Abi off of the bypass machine. Once they do it and everything is fine they will close up her chest and start preparing her for CICU.

It will take another hour or a bit longer before we hear anything else.


Surgery#2 - Update 2


Phonce call # 2 from Stacy.
Abi is now on a heart-lung machine. She is tolerating all meds well. There were scar tissues but Dr Kirshbom was able to go through without any major problems and has just started the actual repair..

Some of the things I write I feel like I'm living in the past - and experiencing de ja vu.
I think this is a good thing... maybe we'll be able to be home within a week as well.


Surgery#2 - Update 1

Just received a phone call from the nurse -Stacy - from the OR.
Abi didn't wake up when she was given anesthesia. The echo was done, lab test. SHe was prepped for the surgery, intubated and now Dr Kirshbom started actual surgery. He is cutting through the scar tissues that billed up after the first surgery. This may take a while. Next update in 1,5 hours.
