

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

9 Month Old Check Up Yesterday And Cardiologist Appointment Today

Yesterday's 9 month old check up went great! Abi did so good I couldn't be more proud of her. 

She gained wight very well and is now caught up, weighing 18.9lb puts her in 50% weight, and 28in in 70% length. 

Her overall development is just right where 9 month old should be, so it means she had no set backs from the surgeries and, what's the most important, her brain did not suffer any harm after being twice on heart bypass machine. THis is wonderful! 

Today's cardiologist visit was even better. Dr. Greene did not stop using words like "fantastic', "wonderful", "phenomenal", "couldn't be better". Her saturation was......100 !!! Her blood pressure 99/61 exactly where needed; echo showed no changes other than tricuspid regurgitation only improved. 

From today we stop the last meds and we will get her blood pressure checked in about 10 days; if everything is great then, there will be no need to go back to the meds. 

Next appointment in 3 months and then in 6 months and than annualy. 

We even talked about plans as far as mid school and high school!!!! How cool is that?! ?! ?! Last year around this time we were encouraged to seriously consider pregnancy termination! It just makes us want to go back to see this particular doctor and visit him with Abi ! ! ! ;-)


Monday, April 26, 2010

9 month check-up

Today is Abi's 9 month check up and tomorrow the 3rd cardio visit after her second OHS - on march 2nd. She looks like she's gaining weight, so the question now is not "is she gaining?" but "how much?".
She is a pure joy and example of health. She's never been sick except a few minor colds within the last 9 months. It's good and bad, because the sickness is unavoidable at one point to build up her immune system. However, I am happy it didn't happen when her heart needed deserved rest after both surgeries.

We love her to pieces!


Friday, April 23, 2010

9 Months

It's been a while since our last post. Life's been busy and crazy, but mostly good. Our little girl is growing, growing and growing so fast it scares us. She's getting longer, outgrowing all the cloths; she's getting heavier faster than our arms stronger ;-)

Recently she started rolling over, from her back to tummy and on her back and tummy again and this is how she's getting from point A to B and most of the time, B is our coffee table when she learned to pull out the drawers. And this is scary. Scary big time. We are not ready to be childproofing the house yet!!!!! No we are not! Yet, I think this will be the next project, whether we like it or not. 

Last week we lowered her bed and she started pulling herself up; one day she got up so high her head stuck out above the bed. Her legs are getting stronger and soon she will be standing on her own without any assistance. Another big step.

And she's talking and talking and talking. She makes all kinds of sounds, one day saying 'mom' and the other day saying 'dada'. It was great to wake up to her calling from her bedroom and finally saying 'mom'.

She eats all sorts of foods now and soon she will be eating what we are; well, maybe except the junk ;-)

As for her heart, so far we have not noticed anything that would concern us, and this coming Tuesday we're going for another cardiac follow-up. After this one confirms everything is fine and there are no changes, we should drop the last meds and the next follow up should be in 3 or maybe even in 6 months. We will keep you posted.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Second Post Op Cardiologist Appointment

This morning we went to Abi's second post op cardiologist appointment.

She did great and Dr. Greene was very excited with Abi's progress and with how great she's doing. She gained 2lb and grew 1.5 inches since her last appointment. Her respiratory rate is great, heart sounds very well, her saturation was in high 90s, which is perfect; echo showed that there is no fluid around her heart, the repair looks and works very well. Since today we won't be giving Abi lasix and her blood pressure meds will end with the next visit, next month.

Next month, when we confirm Abi continues doing so well, we will start stretching follow-up visits. 3 months, 6 months and once a year ;-)

It was a great way to start the day and the week!

Now praying for all the other heart babies. Ava- going to get a closer look at her heart done this week, and Kelsey going for her heart surgery at the beginning of April!!!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

8 Months

No Words Needed

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Respiratory Rate


Before the first surgery Abi's respiratory rate at rest was 60-70 and just right before the surgery was getting as high as 80-90. After the surgery it dropped down to mid 40s and when it got in to 50s we chec
ked with her cardiologist and this is when they found out the obstruction.

We just counted her breaths and ...... 36/minute while she's sleeping. How awesome is that!!! ;-)


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