

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

After the Appointment

The cardiologist appointment went fantastic. Once again, Abi's weight (22lb 5oz), height (30in), heart rate, blood pressure, saturation (97) and everything we saw during the heart echo was just perfect.

The entire repair done during the double switch, VSD closure, the pulmonary venous baffle and its later repair all look great and work great. Her Ebsteinoid tricuspid valve is leaking much less and today it was more on the mild side than mild-to-moderate. Both ventricles are squeezing strong, heart beat is slow and steady and heart's efficiency is really good.

There was absolutely nothing that would even slightly concern Dr.Greene and the next appointment is in 6 months! ;-)

Once we confirm things continue going this well, next appointment will be in 9 months and then annually.

We are absolutely thrilled and happy!

Thank you for your prayers!


Monday, August 2, 2010

1st Cardio visit in 3 months...

It is hard to believe that 9 months ago we were in such a rough place with Abi, waiting all day in the waiting room while she underwent her first open heart surgery (Double Switch and VSD closure) and now were are 'celebrating' a 5-month-iversary of her 2nd OHS that took place in March.
It seems like it was longer than that. I remember that we were not expecting to hear any bad news at the follow-up checkup (2 months after the surgery), though we had noticed her faster breathing and 3 weeks later we were back in Atlanta.
Every time we go to see the cardiologist, I experience a mixture of emotions. I am anxious to hear everything looks great and there haven't been any changes. I want to hear the guarantee that she'll be fine from now on and the previous experiences are in the past, never to be repeated.
We do not anticipate any surprising news tomorrow. We diligently observe Abi's reactions, food intake and behavior. She seems to have unlimited supplies of energy, eats for two and is always in a good mood.

We are looking forward to the great report tomorrow. We'll update the blog with the news that the next cardiologist appointment is in 6 MONTHS!!??? ;)...

That would be sweet....


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Abi's 1st Birthday Party Pictures

On Saturday, July 24, 2010 we celebrated Abi's 1st Birthday !!! It was a great and fun day.

Thank you everyone who helped make this happen and everyone who showed up! There would be no party without you ;-)
Mommy sang happy birthday upon awaking...

With Daddy in the morning

At the Party

With Julie

With Isabelle and Julie

With Mommy and grandpa in the pool

Dad and uncle Eric chilling

Mom and Dad

Grandma ;-)

With Mom, Jasolyn, Isabelle and Ally 

Again with Mom and Dad

With grandma

Blowing the candle

First bite ;-)

No comments ;-)

Gifts time 

Julie, Kayah and Ally

Uncle Jeremy

On the phone with another grandma

On the way home ;-)

Monday, July 26, 2010

1 year old check-up follow-up

Abi's 1st year check-up results:
22 Lbs 7 oz
30 in

It placed her in the 75% for both weight and length.

She's doing wonderful. Dr. Annie was thrilled! Everything is going perfect!!!

We couldn't be happier ! :-)


1 year old check up


We are now going to Abi's 1year old check up, first doctor appointment in 3 months.

Details to come soon :-)


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Saturday, July 24, 2010


Last year at 7.27am EDT our beautiful little Ms Muffin came to this world! We had known it would be a difficult year ahead of us, but we've come to a better place that we could have imagined!

Happy Birthday Abigail!!!!! We love you so much there are no words in any language to describe it!!!

July 25, 2009 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

July 3rd, 2010

July 23rd, 2010


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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

3 Days To The Turn

Yes, only 3 days left and our little girl turns 1!!!! I can't believe it has already been a year! And what a year!!! Unbelievably difficult, challenging and stretching us in every possible way, but being where we are today I would not change it for anything else!!!

I have a wonderful wife, dream-daughter, my parents are fine and finally made it here to NC!

Next Monday we are going with Abi for her 1 year old checkup and the following week to her cardiologist appointment. First doctor visits in 3 months! We will sure keep you updated!


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