

Sunday, October 24, 2010

15 months of Joy

It's been 15 months since Abi came to our lives. She is so wonderful and happy.

We are visiting her pediatrician tomorrow for Abi's 15-month check-up. Actually, Art and his parents are going to take her. I hope she'll do great and be a brave little girl while getting her vaccinations.

As much as I am not worried about the weight-gain and general condition, I am curious of how the appointment will go. I have never missed any of her appointments!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

CHD Awareness-Heart Walk

This past Saturday there was a CHD Awareness Heart Walk in Charlotte , NC downtown. Unfortunately I worked my 24h shift this Saturday and I was not able to join but Asia, Abi and my parents did get to join and it was a great experience and really good initiative.

I do hope we will get more involved next year! And maybe some of you will join us too ;-)


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Friday, September 24, 2010

14 Months

Today Abi's 14 months old. It's crazy how fast this went by. She's walking, even running, understands everything she is supposed to understand in 2 languages and, yes unfortunately she knows how to tell us 'NO' in 2 languages too; in one would be enough and still heard too often :-)

She's a wonderful 14 month old, absolutely gorgeous and lovable child and, today especially, I just can't believe how blessed we are to have her. I hate that under pressure of day-to-day life we tend to forget how blessed we are and what a miracle she is. I've been thinking about it all day and am celebrating this little miracle with an incredible joy in my heart!

And this is her- she put my hat on on the way from gym. She's really proud of herself when she manages to put a hat on her head like this ;-)


Friday, August 27, 2010

Just some thoughts

I'm watching Abi carefully; every day, for as long as possible. Sometimes I find myself looking at her totally forgetting about the world around me. I can't believe how fast she's growing, changing, learning new things and many of them on her own, just figuring them out.

It is absolutely fascinating to watch her explore. We, adults, take way too many things for granted; stop paying any attention to them; forgetting their existence even though they are with us every day.

Asia and I have learned so much about not rushing things, not rushing life, enjoying and cherishing every stage Abi's at because one day it will pass.

And not long ago Asia said something that changed my time with Abi again. Looking at things through her eyes, joining her on this journey in her world.

And the last couple days Abi stepped on a new path- teething. Yes, she got 1 tooth cut out and there are I believe 2 more trying. She's dealing with it great, including the fevers and runny nose that bothered her so much that she kept waking up a lot overnight. This gives us some extra time to spend with her cuddling with us.

Today I took her to a park and she had so much fun. She loved the slide and two swings. Yes, two since she wanted to be on the other one every 45 seconds ;-)

After we got home instead of going for a nap she decided to read some books with me first. She kept on going to her bookshelf and bringing books, sitting on my lap and when we were dine reading she was going to pick another one.

45 minutes of reading and laughing before the nap.

It was a great day!


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Monday, August 9, 2010

Speed of light...

We celebrated Abi's first birthday with the family (the grandparents) on Sunday. Abi had a blast digging into the cake with a ... SPOON. Yes, she's a true European lady. I'm sure she'll be using fork and knife before we know it. Naturally, we need to wait for the teeth to come out... but wait.. today we saw one cutting through! Our baby girl is moving forward with a speed of light!
12 months and 2 weeks after she was born, she took her first steps and working on her fist tooth!
So proud of you Abi! Kocham Cie nad zycie!!

I guess I'm walking

Today, very tired before taking a nap Abi took her first solo steps

YouTube Video

YouTube Video


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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

After the Appointment

The cardiologist appointment went fantastic. Once again, Abi's weight (22lb 5oz), height (30in), heart rate, blood pressure, saturation (97) and everything we saw during the heart echo was just perfect.

The entire repair done during the double switch, VSD closure, the pulmonary venous baffle and its later repair all look great and work great. Her Ebsteinoid tricuspid valve is leaking much less and today it was more on the mild side than mild-to-moderate. Both ventricles are squeezing strong, heart beat is slow and steady and heart's efficiency is really good.

There was absolutely nothing that would even slightly concern Dr.Greene and the next appointment is in 6 months! ;-)

Once we confirm things continue going this well, next appointment will be in 9 months and then annually.

We are absolutely thrilled and happy!

Thank you for your prayers!
