

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Just Thinking

We keep in touch with other 'heart' families, follow them on their blogs, Facebook pages, groups, follow the Yahoo L-TGA group and I just can't stop thinking and being thankful for how truly blessed J, Abi and I have been in all of this.

There are so many children with much less complex hearts comparing to Abi's and for some, difficult to understand reason they spend months and months in hospitals. Their recovery is long and difficult and Abi wasn't in a hospital for 2 weeks at a time. More, after second open heart surgery she was out within 3 days.

She's growing, running, talking, playing all the time; constantly learning new things and so far there hasn't been anything that would slow her down or she couldn't keep up with.

I just thought I would share once again how truly blessed we are, since we tend to forget the blessings pretty easily.


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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Failed Test

Abi has one of those convertible cribs that transform through a toddler's bed to a full bed. Just for kicks we decided to take the one side off of the bed and see how Abi would handle the new setup.

Unfortunately Abi's bed has the top, decorative board that is permanently attached to the bed which contributed to the test failure.

Why do we think both, Abi and the bed failed the test? See yourself below ;-) No bed change until she's 2nd

YouTube Video


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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring in NC

We love spring in NC. One of the most beautiful seasons. Great time to play outdoors and go to parks and playgrounds.

Just some pictures from past couple days


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Thursday, March 3, 2011

1 Year Ago Today

It's been one year; one year ago, today Abi had her second and last (we pray it was her last one) open heart surgery!

Just couple pictures to remember the journey and give God praise for walking with us.

She's so strong and she's the most wonderful gift J and I could have been given. We would never trade her for any other ;-)


Sunday, February 27, 2011

No fear no giving up

Sunday afternoon Abi showing off on her 4-wheeler and running up and down the hill with her stroller.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day Off

Last month I planned a day off for today planning to be in a seminar, but I missed the registration deadline and I didn't go. This gave me a whole day with Abi. And it was a beautiful day; 69F and sunny. Great day for a date with my little girl ;-)

We went shopping to one of the malls near Charlotte and we had a blast. This is Abi 'shopping' and having lunch with me

From the mall we went home so Abi could take her nap and then we headed out to the playground picking up Aly, Abi's older friend.

YouTube Video

After all of this fun we ended up home for dinner, more outdoors playing and books reading and of course watching a cartoon eating apples

It was such a fun day! Abi has changed so much within the past couple weeks it is hard to believe! She talks more, uses more words, puts 2-3 words together, is pure fun and joy to have her around.

Nope, it's not easy hehe, I'm exhausted, but spending time with her like this is one of the best things that could have ever happened to me.


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