

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Guess Who's Sleeping?

Mommy?.. No! Daddy? ... No!  Abi? - YES!!!!!
She has made a tremendous improvement in her sleeping and eating patterns. She only wakes up once at night to eat now.

She drinks 5-6 ounces with her eyes closed and is good for at least 5-6 hours! I'm just one proud and rested (well I still need to get up before 6am to go to work) Mama! :)

Way to go, Abi...


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Without mommy...

Abi is doing great! Today is her third day without mommy and surprisingly she's not missing me too much. On one hand it's sad, but on the other works to the advantage of her baby-sitter and my best friend. A good thing is that Daddy is just around the corner and gets to see her in the mornings and during the day, before I come back from work. I'm getting my groove back at work again, which is good. Being so busy I hardly even have time to miss A&A, but then there is a car-ride.. 40 minutes of highways usually killed by phone-calls to my mom, if my phone battery doesn't decide to die...like yesterday...

It's already a hump day today and so far so good. Abi's having fun with Melissa and mommy at work...

Thanks you for checking for updates..


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Back to work


It's been a couple days with no posts.. days go by so fast and before I noticed it's almost time to go back to work on Monday. Seeing Abi growing and improving so much I wish I was able to stay with her longer, like forever... :)
Abi's last pediatrician visit on Thursday went very well. She skipped 4th and 5th month check-up, so this one was treated as her 6th! What? 6th? Oh goodness, she's almost six months! How is that possible?
Anyway, the pediatrician after applying Abi's weight and length to the system, showed us the chart and where Abi is on it. She jumped from 5th percentile on her 3-moth check-up to 25th this week! She is right back on track, growing some cute cheeks and rolls here and there.

Since, she hit the magic 13th pound she started sleeping much better and for longer periods too.
For the last few days, she's been sleeping for 5h at a time. Woohoo, welcome sleep!

Abi keeps growing and healing, her scar is barely visible right now:

Thank you for visiting Abi's blog and for your prayers for her excellent improvement and health.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Cardio visit #2

Abi was such a good girl during our second post-op visit with the cardiologist today. Dr Greene was tickled to death, again, by seeing her gaining weight and looking so great and comfortable. Abi gained 3lb in 1 month. She's now over 13lbs.
She didn't cry this time when the doctor came to listen to her lungs and heart. He was astonished how well the incision is healing. The murmur was even less noticeable :) which means the malformed valve is doing better than the last time we visited Dr. Greene, hence there was no need for the echo today. Another good news is that she can drop one dose of Lasix for a week and then stay only on it once a day. Yeey!

I must finish now as my precious cargo is fussing on my lap and won't let me type more...


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dec 9, 2009 vs Today

Exactly 1 month ago, on December 9th, 2009,  Abi had her open heart surgery. 

Today, our miracle baby is having fun on her tummy...


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Read to me...

It was a good day today, morning with Daddy and all day with Mommy with small breaks for Daddy's kisses and hugs - talking about advantages of working from home, eh?

It's not hard to figure out, she's Daddy's little girl:)

Apart from still being little congested and with runny nose, Abi did great today. We are going to the cardiologist on Tuesday to check if everything is healing well. 

Funny facts from today: During our "4B" night routine: bath, bottle, book, bed, Abi fussed after a couple of sips of milk, so I put the bottle back on the table. She kept fussing and looking at the table, where the new book, I've started to read to her, sat. When I started reaching for it, she began calming down. She simply wanted me to read to her!! She, then took a bottle. Talking about the preference, right? She is so awesome. 


Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm the coolest...

There are no words that could describe how wonderful babies are. I would never thought I would be enjoying motherhood this much. Abi amazes me every single day with her development and new skills. It seems like the more time we spend, the more we understand each other. It's getting easier and easier to figure out what she needs, and she's getting better at communicating things like: "I'm tired and want a nap - put me in the car seat" when she makes crying noises after she ate, or "Feed me! Oh my gosh I see the bottle!" when she opens her mouth and shakes her hands, or "I want my paci" when she shapes her mouth like she wants to whistle. It's so funny and fun to watch her grow and participate in her first experiences with everything.

She finally warmed up to different people talking to her, touching, and even holding and feeding her! She just needed the time to overcome the trauma of being moved, touched, poked with needles by nurses and doctors who changed almost on the hourly basis.

She's the coolest and I think she knows it....

Good Night,