

Monday, March 29, 2010

Second Post Op Cardiologist Appointment

This morning we went to Abi's second post op cardiologist appointment.

She did great and Dr. Greene was very excited with Abi's progress and with how great she's doing. She gained 2lb and grew 1.5 inches since her last appointment. Her respiratory rate is great, heart sounds very well, her saturation was in high 90s, which is perfect; echo showed that there is no fluid around her heart, the repair looks and works very well. Since today we won't be giving Abi lasix and her blood pressure meds will end with the next visit, next month.

Next month, when we confirm Abi continues doing so well, we will start stretching follow-up visits. 3 months, 6 months and once a year ;-)

It was a great way to start the day and the week!

Now praying for all the other heart babies. Ava- going to get a closer look at her heart done this week, and Kelsey going for her heart surgery at the beginning of April!!!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

8 Months

No Words Needed

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Respiratory Rate


Before the first surgery Abi's respiratory rate at rest was 60-70 and just right before the surgery was getting as high as 80-90. After the surgery it dropped down to mid 40s and when it got in to 50s we chec
ked with her cardiologist and this is when they found out the obstruction.

We just counted her breaths and ...... 36/minute while she's sleeping. How awesome is that!!! ;-)


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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Simple joys..

Abi is such a happy little girl. She had a lot of fun with daddy today, who apparently was in the shopping mood and got Abi a hat, pull out the cart cover - not mentioning color coordination of her outfit. Well done. :)

We practically do not need any toys. She enjoys empty paper cups, plastic bottles and coasters, even her empty tray seems interesting to her...

She can play with them for a very long time.

She is such a joy! I can't wait sometimes to be woken up by her to feed her in the middle of the night (I'm serious), so I could cuddle her and kiss her sweet and sleepy little face. I am addicted to giving her kisses!!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

2 weeks after surgery & doing great

Just a short update.

Abi continues doing great. She is so active now we have to keep our eyes on her all the time. She grabs everything that is close enough, even when getting it means leaning forward so far while sitting that her chest touches the ground between her legs and she needs to stretch her arms as much as she only can.

She is so adorable, "talking" all the time, giggling and never letting smile off her face.

Her feeding habbits are getting better and evening routines are improving too. More predictable and much easier.

Her grandpa is doing very well too and can't wait to come and meet her ;-)

Thank you all fo your thoughts and prayers!

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Friday, March 12, 2010

The first Post-Op behind us

We have our first post-op visit (first after the second surgery) behind us. It went very well, except the x-Ray itself. Abi just hates x-Ray with passion, though the results were awesome. Both the x-Ray and echo look very well and seems like the repair is working great. The cardiologist was very pleased with how things look and how Abi is doing and recommended the following medical treatment for now: Love Her, Feed Her and Let Her Grow ;-)

We got the Lasix down to half of what she was getting so far and we are going for another visit in 2 weeks. We hope to lower Lasix even more then and to maybe totally stop giving her Prinivil (the blood pressure medicine).

Thank you to all of you praying for her and us and for all your comments!!!!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cardiologist Post Op Appointment


Tomorrow we're going to the first post-op cardiac appointment. X-Ray early in the morning and then cardiologist. We're pretty anxious to be honest though Abi has been doing great since the surgery. She eats great and is back to being the wonderful herself except for nights. Again she's waking up often and seems to have harder time falling asleep in the evenings.

We'll know more tomorrow!

Have a great night every one!

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