

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cardiologist Appointment After 6 Months

Tomorrow morning, January 25 we are going to Abi's first cardiologist appointment in 6 months.

When everything is confirmed to be fine the next one should be in another 6 months and then annually.

We haven't noticed anything that would worry us as far as Abi's heart, but she just developed this nasty cough and is running very low fever. I hope we won't have to cancel the appointment in the morning. We have already made an appointment with Abi's pediatrician for tomorrow afternoon just to have her checked and make sure it won't turn in to anything bad.

And this is Abi this morning running around and playing with her thermometer still in her PJs ;-)


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Monday, January 3, 2011

Grandparents Just Left

My parents left today after staying with us almost 6 months. Right now they are in the air on their way home. It was great to have them here (and yes we had our rough patches) but it's strange not to have them around in the evening. It's our first night home alone in 6 months.

And this is them with Abi at the airport


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Sunday, January 2, 2011

More Words

Apart from the words Abi has been using for quite a while now such as: "mama", "tata & daddy", "pa-pa" & bye-bye", "no", "nie" (it's no in Polish), "yeah", "tak" (it's yes in Polish), "apple", "more", "bubble", "book", "go", "baba & dziadzia" (grama & grandpa in Polish), a couple of names like Abi- she calls herself "Abu". She can say "Ania" (my sister's, mom-in-law's and my grandma's name); "Ada" (it's actually Eden - her 2-year old neighbor's name); "Car-car" (Carter - her 4-year old neighbor) and her all-time favorite "Elmo" and also "Erni" from Sesame Street. She makes most of animal sounds.
And now Abi added 2 new words 2 days ago. Both for the same thing in both languages.
This time we caught it on camera!

Now she says "shoe" and "but" (read:boot) (shoe in Polish)


But (boot)

YouTube Video

More awesomeness to come ;-)


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Friday, December 24, 2010

Abi's 2nd Christmas

We wish everybody Merry Christmas!!
May this special season be filled with love, joy and only good memories!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Change My Diaper

This is great! This morning Abi got off our chair went to the place where we keep her wipes, diapers and cream, brought one by one to the living room rug looked at me and laid down to change her Diaper!!!

It wasn't too wet or dirty at all and it was the first time she's ever done it, but who knows maybe it's a first step to getting out of diapers


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Thursday, December 16, 2010

That's New

This a new trick Abi just learned yesterday. She learned two more funny things but I hope to record them soon and upload here.

This is our futon in my office ;-)

YouTube Video


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